Our Services
At Georgina Eye Hospital we adopt a conservative approach to surgery or any other form of intervention. Our primary aim is always to restore sight to each individual. Surgical interventions are only advised where there is strong indication and high probability of successful outcomes for the patient. The decision is not profit-driven. The Hospital is equipped with a specialized eye operating theatre, a refraction and low vision center, a laser treatment center and a diagnostic laboratory. Our services include:

The lens of the eye sits just behind the area of color known as the iris. The lens is like camera film; it takes the light that comes into the front of the eye and focuses it onto the retina to form sharp images of objects.

Diabetes and the Eye
Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that causes the deterioration of the blood vessels in the retina because of high levels of blood sugar.

Glaucoma Treatment
At Georgina Eye Hospital we adopt a conservative approach to surgery or any other form of intervention. Our primary aim is always to restore sight to each individual.

Retina Disease
The retina is a piece of tissue at the back of the eye. It is light-sensitive, transferring rays of light that pass through the front of the eye to the optic nerve.

Pediatric Ophthalmology
Georgina Eye Clinic provides children’s ophthalmology services and treatments for pediatric eye disease. We are sensitive to the differences between an adult exam and that for a child.

Cosmetics Services
As we age, the elasticity of our skin weakens, causing lines, wrinkles, and other visible facial aging. Though wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process, we want you to look and feel like your best self.